Project Description

Silver Sage Village Cohousing

Boulder, Colorado

Cohousing | Multi-Family

Silver Sage Cohousing was designed for community-minded seniors who take a progressive view of what it means to age in our society. The urban in-fill development uses universal design and aging in place principles, along with affordability strategies, to ensure the community’s accessibility, both physically and financially. Site Review, parking reductions, height modifications, and a deep understanding of the Land Use Code and public process were required to make it all happen.

In addition, several sustainable elements were incorporated, such as solar thermal, pv, and earth tubes, resulting in a HERS rating of 60-70 and meeting Energy Star 5+.


  • 2010 – Renewable Energy and Sustainable Design in Buildings Award, Colorado Renewable Energy Society
  • 2009 – Award of Merit for affordable senior housing from the American Institute of Architects and the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.
  • 2008 – NAHB, Best of 50+ Housing.
Click here to visit the Silver Sage Village Cohousing website