Insights > Welcome 3 of 6: Prologue: Committing to the Community But Not Yet Moved In

Welcome 3 of 6: Prologue: Committing to the Community But Not Yet Moved In
Welcome to the Community: A Series from Caddis Collaborative
By Karin Hoskin
Karin Hoskin is business manager for Caddis Collaborative, former executive director of the Cohousing Association of the United States, and a founding member of Wild Sage Cohousing Community.
Once someone has purchased or signed a lease on a unit, it’s time to move forward with orientation. New members are busy getting ready to move in, but this is nevertheless the perfect time to connect with them to ensure that they’re getting plugged into the community. At Wild Sage, we use three tools to help new members get acclimated: a guide to the community; email lists; and the buddy system.
Guide to the Community
We give members a guide to the community. This handbook provides many details new members will need to know: the history and structure of the community; an overview of the bylaws, policies, teams, and clubs; information about daily life (such as trash and recycling pick-up, pet policies, and use of shared spaces); a discussion of communications, finances, and decision-making; and an orientation to the larger neighborhood we’re part of and the city in which we’re located.
In the past, we have had a hard copy of this guide and have printed it out as new members join the community. We have had some challenges in keeping it updated. For example, the most recent iteration of the guide states that we have a fax machine – but we haven’t had such a piece of equipment in years!
Recently, we moved the components of the guide to a members-only Wild Sage “wiki,” a one-stop shop for all community information. A wiki is an online software program that holds documents (e.g., minutes, policies), shares information, and stores photos in one shared space. We hope that it will be easier to keep the wiki updated.
Email Lists
We invite new members to join our email lists right away, even before they move in.
The general email list is intended as a place for members to discuss community business and to post information that is relevant to other members of the community. Over the years, we have developed guidelines for what should and should not be posted to the general email list.
The meals email list is for anyone who opts into the meals club. The meals schedule is posted on this list, and head chefs announce upcoming meals and ask for RSVPs.
Individual teams and clubs have email lists as well. The membership of these targeted lists is quite a bit smaller than the general email list and the meals list, but they are a great way to facilitate conversation among those specific groups.
The Buddy System
New members are assigned a specific person to serve as a buddy. The buddy is available to answer questions prior to move-in and checks in with new members on the move-in day or within a day or two of arrival. Follow-up occurs a week or so later, a month or so later, and every few months for the first year.
The buddy makes sure that the new member has a copy of the guide to Wild Sage, knows how to log onto the Wiki, subscribes to the general email list, and is aware of the meals club. After the new member moves in, the buddy invites the new member to community events (including meals) and schedules time for one-on-one visiting, such as a walk or a cup of tea.
All of these are great ways to begin integrating new members into the life of the community – even before move-in day.
Click on the links below to learn more!
- Post #1: A Guide to Orienting New Members to Cohousing
- Post #2: Pre-Prologue: Learning about the Community Before Purchasing
- Post #3: Prologue: Committing to the Community But Not Yet Moved In
- Post #4: Welcome: Moving In
- Post #5: Orientation: Living in Community the First Few Months
- Post #6: Settling In: Living in Community the First Year
- Inside Caddis (20)
- Inspiration (24)
- Community Engagement (20)
- Awards and Press (6)
- Urbanism (6)
- Earth (1)
- Design (2)
- Welcome to the Community (6)
- Uncategorized (12)
- Contemplative Architecture (3)
- Make Yourself At Home (14)
- Reflection (4)
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